Nasty Icons

YES! You can freely use these icons to print on tshirts.

If you think you have all the icons you need think again, cause no icon set
can be complete without some Nasty Icons created by Vincent le Moign.
The right icons to express the bad, weird or nasty moments in your life!
Apple Responsive
Showcase your work best with these two different PSD Mockups by Vinay Mittal. In this pack you will get all new Apple devices like iPhone5S, iPhone5C, New MacBook Air, New iMac, iPad Air.
All objects are fully-layered so you can create your own layout with ease. Ideal for Responsive Web & Apps Design Showcase or anything you want.
You can get the full set of these mock-ups at CreativeMarket.
Versatile Bottle
Create a stunning design with this versatile bottle mock-up PSD. Use it filled or empty and change the liquid color according to your needs. You can turn it into a bottle of syrup with a vintage handwritten label, or into an elegant liquor bottle with a minimalist logo, the choice is at the tip of your fingers.
Engraved Wood
Today’s special is a photorealistic wood engraved mock-up created by Mucahit Gayiran. When placing your design via smart objects you can chose to use full area or just logo area, and you will get a depth of field effect outside of center of your content.
If you like this mock-up you can get the full set of 4 engraved wood mock-ups here.
App Wireframes Kit
This wireframe kit comes in handy when starting a new app design project by helping you create the prototyping. The kit contains diferent UI elements in PSD and AI file formats and is brought to you by Vlad Cristea.
App Screens Perspective
Use this fully-editable PSD template to showcase your app screens or interface design. You can easily change the background color and the depth size of the screens.